Immunoregulation therapy to provide modulate and normalize the immune balance of a living body.

New Complementary therapy [Immunoregulation therapy]
Our philosophy is that idea of let regaining natural self-healing power[homeostasis] by increase and reinforce original body function. We are believing that use natural ingredient is highly safe and less burden on living body and understanding it is the best way to adjust complex immune system. How about adding an immunoregulation therapy to current treatment? Doctors are standing up now! Who are not satisfied treatment for their patient has intractable disease and mostly cause by imbalanced immune difficult to control.
>What’s immunoregulation therapy?

Target disease of immunoregulation therapy

  • アトピー性皮膚炎
  • 尋常性乾癬
  • 帯状疱疹後神経痛
  • 慢性脱毛症
  • 汗疱状湿疹
  • 帯状疱疹
  • メニエール病

Immunoregulation therapy starting from Masato Kuwabara Ph. D' s research of atopy set therapy and clinical application. Thereafter cooperative research with Yasuhiko Kojima Ph. D who discovered interferon and developed with pioneer in the study of immunology of specialty cytokines. This permits clinical applications.
We test blood to know individual immune status and then improve unbalanced immune system by completely un-known immune cell balance and 27 article of cytokines monitoring. We succeeded to develop original 3 supplements for Immunomodulatory. This is very new treatment, but we already achieved the good results from patients who have various refractory skin diseases, atopic dermatitis skin and Chronic alopecia.